DISKUSSIONEN ZU SEINEN FILMEN => THEATERSTÜCKE (PLAYS) & MUSICALS => Thema gestartet von: Seamus am 03. Januar 2021, 21:44:11

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Titel: Don't Take My Penny (1964)
Beitrag von: Seamus am 03. Januar 2021, 21:44:11
In dem Robert Urich-Buch von Joe Martelle wird erwähnt, das “Don't Take My Penny“ das allererste Theaterstück überhaupt war, an dem Bob teilgenommen hat. Er spielte ar die Hauptrolle Es wurde selbstverständlich in der alten Toronto High School aufgeführt. Erwachsene mussten damals 75 cent für den Eintritt bezahlen, für Kinder kostete das Ticket 50 cent.

Das alles könnt ihr im 6. Kapitel nachlesen.  :)

Hier noch eine Inhaltsangabe über das Play:

Sixteen-year-old Penny is walking around with a book on her head and a dreamy look in her eyes and practicing elocution with her mouth full of pebbles, preparing herself to play the star role in the movie version of a popular novel. The author is searching the country for his ideal—he's coming to town tomorrow—and Penny just knows she'll be chosen! What Penny doesn't know is that Sally, the new maid, is a former child movie star, now grown up, whom a clever publicity agent has planted there to be miraculously "discovered" by the author. So Penny ignores Sally (who practices dance steps when no one's around), and she ignores the talent of her quiet, unselfish older sister, Mavis, who has small parts in radio. Penny and Joanna have their hands full with preparations … for Penny intends to take her girlfriend, Joanna, with her to Hollywood. Penny and Joanna give up playing in the tennis tournament with their boy friends, Greg and Kerry. They tell them they are putting childish things like tennis behind them. Greg and Kerry confer with Gram and decide to outwit Penny and Joanna by posing as the great author and a brunette model. They do—and the girls fall for it! A riotous scene follows in which Henri, the clothes designer, shows off his latest creation on attractive models for Penny to consider for her descent on Hollywood. But the disguised Greg and Kerry poke fun at each lovely outfit and finally kick the indignant Henri out the door. Then, just as Penny is prepared to say "thumbs down" on famous authors—Dad shows up with the real author. But the plans for the "discovery' of Sally go awry, for Sally has fallen in love with Mark, the older brother, whose one ambition is to run a chicken farm! That seems to Sally a lot more glamorous than a screen career, for she remembers the real Hollywood of hard work and disappointments. Sally and Mark plan their little white cottage, with its picket fence and roses, and about this time their first chicken triumphantly lays an egg! In the midst of all the excitement, the author does choose a star for his play—but the girl he chooses surprises everyone. But by this time, Penny and Joanna have changed their minds again and paired off for the tennis tournament with Greg and Kerry. And Gram has given mother a piece of her mind for running about giving lectures on child rearing when she should be looking after her own family. This is a play that has everything, youth, charm, funny incidents, and good parts for all. It is no surprise to us that it is one of the most popular plays in the country.


Titel: Re: Don't Take My Penny (1964)
Beitrag von: Spenser am 21. März 2021, 19:12:26
Was für ein toller Fund...ich bin begeistert! :freu:

Titel: Re: Don't Take My Penny (1964)
Beitrag von: Seamus am 24. März 2021, 15:56:41
Und historisch von enormer Bedeutung! Bob's erstes Mal auf der Bühne.

Man bekam ja in dem Buch schon viel mit durch die Berichte der Zeitgenossen, sprich die Klassenkameraden. Aber schade dass es wohl keine Bilder davon gibt.

Titel: Re: Don't Take My Penny (1964)
Beitrag von: Spenser am 25. März 2021, 13:07:16
Auf jedenfall!!!!!

Vllt. kriegen wir irgendwann mal Bilder zu sehen.

Titel: Re: Don't Take My Penny (1964)
Beitrag von: Seamus am 05. April 2021, 16:23:34
Das wäre ein Traum.   :hawk:

Und wenn das am Ende auch bedeuten sollte, jeden Einwohner von Toronto (Ohio) nach Bildern von dem Stück zu fragen.  :D

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