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Autor Thema: Robert Blake soll seine Frau erschossen haben!  (Gelesen 5995 mal) Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 0
Dan Tanna Spenser
Chief of Police, Deputy Commissioner
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Geschlecht: Männlich
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« am: 29. Januar 2009, 23:51:00 »

Hier mal die Berichte von damals (2001)

Archive for Sunday, May 06, 2001

Wife of Actor Robert Blake Shot to Death
By Kurt Streeter and Richard Fausset Michael Krikorian
May 06, 2001 in print edition A-1

Robert Blake, best known for his role as a streetwise detective in the 1970s television series Baretta, was enmeshed in a real-life police drama Saturday after his wife was fatally shot in the couples parked car outside a Studio City restaurant Friday night.

Blake told police that he left his wife, Bonny Bakley, in their Dodge Stealth after dinner and returned to Vitellos, a popular neighborhood establishment. He went back to Vitellos to get a handgun that had slipped from his waistband, according to his lawyer.

The 67-year-old actor retrieved the gun, headed back to his car about a block away and discovered his wife slumped over in the passenger seat, shot once in the head, police said.

Hes in an absolute state of shock, said Blakes lawyer, criminal defense attorney Harland W. Braun.

Police, who interviewed Blake on Saturday, said only that he was a witness and not a suspect in the crime. But detectives entered his home in the afternoon after obtaining a search warrant and removed some items.

Late Friday, Blake allowed officers to enter a unit behind his Studio City home, where Bakley lived, his lawyer said.

The two married recently after DNA tests established that the actor was the father of her 11-month-old daughter, but they lived separately, said Braun.

The couple had a leisurely dinner Friday at Vitellos, one of Blakes favorite hangouts. At the Tujunga Avenue restaurant, his penchant for pasta with sauteed spinach and tomato sauce is so well known that adding those ingredients to a dish is called Robert Blaking by the staff.

Steve Restivo, co-owner of the restaurant, said Blake and Bakley had a reservation, arrived about 8:30 p.m., and seemed happy and relaxed as they sat in a corner booth.

Youve Gotta Help Me

Restivo said he has known Blake for 20 years and joked with him Friday night. I told him he was more of a Sicilian than my father, because Blake preferred to drink plain chicken broth straight from the soup bowl with no vegetables. Blake joked that the soup had kept him from getting the flu all winter.

Restivo said he left shortly after the couple and did not find out about the slaying until Saturday morning.

When Blake discovered his wife with the gunshot wound, he ran across the street, banging on the front door of Sean Staneks home, his lawyer said. Stanek, a film director who had frequently seen Blake at the neighborhoods cafes and restaurants, opened the door thinking someone was playing a prank. Youve gotta help me, youve gotta help me! said Blake, begging Stanek to call 911.

After getting dressed, Stanek said he ran out to Blakes car. Blake returned to the restaurant looking for a doctor or nurse, his lawyer said. Stanek found Bakley, gasping for air, her eyes rolling back. The cars window was rolled down and there was no sign of shattered glass.

I tried to talk to her, said Stanek. I said whats your name, can you hear me? If you can hear me please just squeeze my hand.

Bakley never squeezed.

It was horrifying, he said.

Paramedics and police were at the scene within seven minutes and medics worked on Bakley for about 10 minutes before putting her body in an ambulance and leaving. Police then took Blake to the side and started questioning him. Blake began vomiting on the street, Stanek said.

Joe Restivo, Steves brother and the restaurants co-owner, said he did not remember Blake returning for a gun, but said the actor came back frantic after the shooting.

He said, My wife, she got hurt or we got mugged or something . I said, You want me to call 911? He said he did already, said Joe Restivo. He said that Blake was agitated and that he asked for a glass of water as he was describing what had happened.

The guy was nuts, he said.

Officer Guillermo Campos, an LAPD spokesman, said investigators have questioned Blake and consider him a witness.

At this point hes not considered an official suspect, Campos said Saturday afternoon. Whenever theres a murder investigation, the people who last saw the victim alive are obviously questioned in detail.

Difficult Relationship

Blake and Bakley had a difficult relationship and were married about four months ago, said Blakes lawyers. The two had been involved in a tense dispute after Bakley had her child. Bakley originally gave the child the last name of Brando, said lawyer Barry Felsen, because she thought the child had been fathered by Christian Brando, the son of actor Marlon Brando.

But when DNA tests proved Blake was the father, Robert did the right thing, Felsen said. He married Bakley, even as he had hired investigators to check into her background.

Felsen said Bakley lived in a separate unit behind Blakes Studio City home and indicated that the two were not particularly close. Many of Blakes neighbors said Saturday that they didnt know the actor was married and that they had little knowledge of Bakley.

I never saw her, said Laura Gilpatrick, a mail carrier delivering mail to Blakes house. He was a real nice guy and has a beautiful daughter.

Blake, who had left his rustic one-story Dilling Street house in the afternoon, returned shortly after 8:30 p.m. Saturday. He was slumped down with a baseball cap over his face in the front passenger seat of a Mercedes-Benz sedan. A passenger in the back seat got out and lifted the police tape so the car could enter the property. About 30 minutes later, the sedan left again. Ten minutes afterward, it returned with Braun, who said he had taken the actor to the hospital because he had high blood pressure.

Braun said Blake keeps numerous guns that he owns in the home. The lawyer added that Blake has a permit to carry a concealed weapon and that on Friday night he was carrying a handgun because Bakley was worried for her safety. He described Bakley as troubled.

Troubled would be an apt word to describe Robert Blakes life.

Born Mickey Gubitosi in Nutley, N.J., Blake began working in MGMs popular Our Gang comedies at the age of 5 and as Red Ryders Indian sidekick Little Beaver in the Western serials.

By Blakes accounts, his home life was horrific. He recalled in an 1992 Times interview that his mother never embraced him and his alcoholic father abused him.

The actor got rave reviews in 1967 for his terrifying performance as murderer Perry Smith in In Cold Blood, based on Truman Capotes book.

After decades in which he performed in dozens of movies, Blake turned to TV in 1975, winning an Emmy for his role as New York detective Tony Baretta, a quirky character known to carry his pet cockatoo, Fred, on his shoulder.

The series was canceled after three seasons, sending Blake into a tailspin marked by battles with depression and abuse of alcohol. Since Baretta, he has worked inconsistently, and has had stretches of up to seven years in which he had nothing to do with the TV or movie business.

But he has played remarkable roles, one of them his Emmy-winning portrayal of John List, a New Jersey man who killed his family and lived under an assumed name for years before being caught.

He acknowledged that it wasnt difficult to get under Lists skin. You have to love the person you are going to play, he once said. You cant say, well, this guy killed his family. I am going to play this ghoul. I have played a lot of people who killed. I have been on Death Row. You know, I have never met a murderer in my life. Thats because there aint any. There are people who crossed the line. Some of us dont cross the line.

His two most recent movies were Money Train in 1995 and David Lynchs Lost Highway in 1997.


Times staff writers Ann ONeill, Susan King and Sue Fox contributed to this story.

und hier gibts noch weitere Infos dazu:
« Letzte Änderung: 10. April 2015, 22:17:38 von Dan Tanna » Gespeichert

Dan Tanna Spenser
Chief of Police, Deputy Commissioner
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Geschlecht: Männlich
Beiträge: 78532


« Antworten #1 am: 29. Januar 2009, 23:51:29 »

In den letzten Jahren machte Blake besonders durch seine Inhaftierung auf sich aufmerksam. Er soll angeblich seine Frau ermordet haben. In einem jahrelangen Prozess wurde Blake letztendlich fr unschuldig gesprochen....

Hier einige Bilder whrend des Prozesses und die Freude danach. Blake hat der Prozess sehr zu schaffen gemacht, wie man anhand der Bilder sieht...

Da ich nicht wei, wie es mit den Bilderrechten aussieht, stelle ich nur den Link ein. Einfach den Link anklicken, und das Bild erscheint [11]

Whrend des Prozesses:


Dan Tanna Spenser
Chief of Police, Deputy Commissioner
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« Antworten #2 am: 29. Januar 2009, 23:51:56 »

Nach jahrelangem Prozess...gewonnen!!!!

Klickt den Link fr die Bilder dazu:

Dan Tanna Spenser
Chief of Police, Deputy Commissioner
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« Antworten #3 am: 29. Januar 2009, 23:52:32 »

Blake und sein Anwalt:

*klick Link*

Dan Tanna Spenser
Chief of Police, Deputy Commissioner
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« Antworten #4 am: 29. Januar 2009, 23:53:34 »

Jaime schrieb am 29.01.2009 18:29 Uhr:
Dan Tanna schrieb am 27.01.2009 23:04 Uhr:
In den letzten Jahren machte Blake besonders durch seine Inhaftierung auf sich aufmerksam. Er soll angeblich seine Frau ermordet haben. In einem jahrelangen Prozess wurde Blake letztendlich fr unschuldig gesprochen....

Wie wurde seine Frau denn ermordet?

Dan Tanna Spenser
Chief of Police, Deputy Commissioner
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« Antworten #5 am: 30. Januar 2009, 00:32:35 »

Ob er es war oder nicht...keine Ahnung! Der prozess zog jedenfalls hnliche Wellen wie einst bei O.J. Simpson. Viele glauiben, er sei schuldig. Ich kann natrlich nicht sagen, freue mich aber, dass ein Star meiner Jugend freigesprochen wurde [11]

Dan Tanna Spenser
Chief of Police, Deputy Commissioner
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« Antworten #6 am: 31. Januar 2009, 05:09:05 »

Kleine Fanarts dazu...

Erschreckend....auf Robert Blakes Anwalt ist wenig spter geschossen wurden....

Mike Danko
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« Antworten #7 am: 12. Februar 2009, 02:46:22 »

Ich hatte den Prozess etwas verfolgt. Einfach erschtternd. Trotzdem denke ich schon, dass Blake schuldig ist. Ist doch hnlich wie bei OJ Simpson, der sogar im Nachhinein ja gestanden hat, es gewesen zu sein, aber da man wegen eines Vergehens nicht 2x zum selben Fall angeklagt werden kann. Viele Amis glauben auch an Blakes Schuld. Ehrlich gesagt finde ichs ein Wunder, dass er nicht verurteilt wurde, die Beweislage sprach doch klar gegen ihn, dazu ein gutes Motiv, die Gelegenheit - er mu einen verdammt guten Anwalt gehabt haben.

Ich mag Blake als Schauspieler sehr, besonders als Baretta, aber ich finde es falsch, dass promis einen Bonus haben. Ich denke, jeder Normalo htte dafr lebenslnglich bekommen.

Tony Baretta
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« Antworten #8 am: 29. April 2009, 07:45:33 »

Ich habe diesen ganzen Prozess mehr oder weniger mitverfolgt und war ziemlich schockiert ber diese Vorwrfe. Es spricht natrlich sehr viel dafr, dass Blake die Tat begangen hat, warum auch nicht? Auch Schauspieler sind Menschen, die eine dunkle Seite haben. Man darf den Schauspieler natrlich nie mit der Person vergleichen, die sie darstellen. Trotzdem war ich froh, dass er fr unschuldig befunden wurde.
Mike Danko
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« Antworten #9 am: 02. Februar 2010, 19:50:02 »

Erwartungsgemäß, wie bei OJ Simpson auch, hat Blake seitdem keine Rollenangebote mehr bekommen. Lost Highway von 1997 ist bislang sein letzter

Azubi in der Police Academy
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« Antworten #10 am: 23. Dezember 2011, 16:28:40 »

Man darf den Schauspieler natrlich nie mit der Person vergleichen, die sie darstellen. Trotzdem war ich froh, dass er fr unschuldig befunden wurde.

Ein sehr wichtiger und guter Satz. Das mache ich nie und habe ich nie gemacht, da mich das Privatleben meiner "Helden" nichts angeht. Und trotzdem wird man auf amerikanischen Foren heftigst beschimpft, wenn man sich zB als Kramer Fan outet.  Augen rollen  Ich weiß ja was er gesagt hat und finde das nicht schön, aber immer darauf rum hacken. Er hat sich doch auch ehrlich dafür entschuldigt. Das muss reichen!

Zu Robert Blake und zum eigentlichen Thema kann ich nicht viel sagen, da ich es heute zum ersten Mal höre. Wenn es stimmen sollte ist das heftig. Ich fand ihn in seiner Rolle als Baretta ganz sympathisch. Aber wie gesagt, Privatleben juckt mich nicht.

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Dan Tanna Spenser
Chief of Police, Deputy Commissioner
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« Antworten #11 am: 23. Dezember 2011, 20:27:47 »

Robert Blake mag ich als Schauspieler sehr gerne, besonders als "Baretta" und später in den 80gern als "Joe Dancer". Ich gehe sogar soweit, dass er zu meinen Lieblings TV Stars der 70ger und 80ger zählt.

Ich war natürlich auch sehr schockiert gewesen, was ihm zur Last gelegt wurde und dieser prozess erstreckte sich ja über viele Jahre und letztenldich wars für seine Karriere egal, ob er schuldig war oder nicht - die Karriere war im Eimer. Er hat ja auch die ganze Zeit nichts mehr gemacht. Ich war damals froh, dass er für unschuldig befunden wurde und hatte auch immer gehofft, dass er unschuldig sei. Obwohl mittlerweile ja wohl klar ist, dass er es doch gewewsen ist aber für ein Verbrechen nicht zweimal angeklagt werden kann. Diese Tatsache hat natürlich das Ansehen auf ihm, das ich hatte, ziemlich erschüttert - ändert aber trotzdem nichts daran,m dass ich ihn für einen guten Schauspieler halte. Auch sein Film "Wilde Flucht nach Kalifornien" von 1980 ("Coast to Coast") gehört immer noch zu meinen absoluten Lieblingsfilmen.

Azubi in der Police Academy
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« Antworten #12 am: 23. Dezember 2011, 20:45:47 »

Also hat er die Tat doch begangen. Dann wirft das natürlich doch einen faden Beigeschmack auf seine Karriere und seine Person. Ja schon schade, ich dachte dass noch nichts bewiesen wurde. Dann kann ich die Reaktionen verstehen.  Traurig

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Dan Tanna Spenser
Chief of Police, Deputy Commissioner
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« Antworten #13 am: 23. Dezember 2011, 20:48:13 »

Es ist bei ihm genauso wie damals auch bei O.J. Simpson. Beide wurden freigesprochen - aber mittlerweile ist es klar, dass beide es gewesen waren - ich glaube, beide hatten sogar denselben Anwalt gehabt.

Jedenfalls hat dieser Prozess ihm sehr sehr viel Geld gekostet....

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