Ich dachte, er heißt "BJ Hooker"
Und auch in den späteren Folgen meine ich, wurde dieses Geheimnis nie gelüftet....oder doch? Scheinbar scheint wikipedia mehr zu wissen - dort nämlich wird als Hookers Vorname "Thomas Jefferson Hooker" als kompletter Name angegeben. Ob das stimmt? Weiß jemand mehr?
Scheint zu stimmen:
Although it has long been rumored that T.J. Hooker was based a real-life Los Angeles cop, T.J. Hooker creator and producer Rick Husky has explained that this is not the case:
"Nothing about [Hooker's] character was based upon an L.A. cop, though I am proud to have known many of them. I created the character when I wrote the pilot for the series, which I produced for 90 episodes. Hooker's last name was inspired by an American Civil War general, General Joe Hooker. Why? No reason, other than I liked the name. His full name: Thomas Jefferson Hooker."
As for LCPD, it stands for Los Angeles County Police Department, a fictional name. The location of the show is Los Angeles.