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« am: 19. Juli 2006, 13:56:38 »

The $100,000 Nickel***
Original air date: 12/11/73 -- Opening Credits -- End Credits

    Various shots of rare coins are seen at the beginning, "courtesy of United National Coin Corporation, Beverly Hills, California and World Wide Coin Investments, Limited, Atlanta, Georgia." Although the title coin is seemingly in near-mint shape, what kind of condition is it in after all that it goes through -- being put in a coin box, being dropped on the street, and handled by numerous people? Jimmy Borges appears briefly at the beginning as a hotel manager, Robert Costa is the coin dealer in charge of the five cent piece. When con artist Arnie Price (Eugene Troobnick) checks out the coin box where he stashed the nickel, the binocular angle is totally wrong ... it's looking at the box from inside the hotel, instead of outside where Price is parked (car license number W-7001). However, the following binocular shot of Jennings (unidentified actor) taking the money out of the box is correct, even though it seems to be a closeup compared to the previous view. When he is frantically trying to track down the coin, Arnie has a bandage on his left elbow. The main titles don't show up until over three minutes have passed.


Eric Damien ist ein gerissener Gangster. Als er fr den Trickdieb Arnie Price die Kaution stellt, geschieht dies nicht ohne Hintergedanken: Damien braucht Price, um auf einer Auktion eine falsche Mnze gegen eine echte und sehr wertvolle einzutauschen. Der Tausch gelingt, wird aber entdeckt. Price steckt seine Beute in einen Zeitungsautomaten, und dann beginnt eine wilde Jagd nach der 100.000-Dollar-Mnze. Damien schreckt dabei auch vor Mord und Entfhrung nicht zurck.

Viele liebe Grüße von Serpico
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