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Autor Thema: 89. Der 90-Sekunden-Krieg (2)  (Gelesen 588 mal) Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 0
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« am: 18. Juli 2006, 21:41:17 »

The Ninety-Second War ***
Original air date: 1/25/72

    The first half of this show is outstanding, especially the opening scenes with their nighttime photography. (This is where the shot of Danno looking in the broken window from the main titles comes from.) Cops (including Herman Wedemeyer as "Officer Ishi") and firemen have to extract McGarrett from a spectacular car crash, which is the beginning of an elaborate setup engineered by Wo Fat. McGarrett winds up in Switzerland to check his bank account (#55-02-695) and finds that he has a double (who dubbed Jack Lord's English voice?). However, the second part, with Tim O'Connor barking orders as Jonathan Kaye and the appearance of Colonel Toptegan (Roger C. Carmel, see #66-67) in his flight suit who is suddenly buddy-buddy to the Americans, drops in quality somewhat. At least we find out the governor's name -- Paul Jameson. (Kaye's name is misspelled as Jonathon Kaye on his nameplate.) When Wo Fat asks double agent scientist Hans Vogler (Donald Pleasance) the name of a friend used as an alibi, Wo repeats it as "Yamato," but when he phones the hospital to check on the authenticity of the name, Wo says "Yamoto." Les Keiter, usually seen as a TV announcer, appears as General Cardell, and Bob Nelson is Wo Fat's "main man," identified in the credits as "Assassin #1." At the 1999 Five-O reunion Robert Witthans told me that playing Lieutenant Commander George Smallitt, an army bigshot, in this episode, he had to introduce Steve McGarrett and said "I'd like you to meet Steve McQueen" instead of "McGarrett" to the assembled brass. The whole room broke up in hysterical laughter, even Jack Lord who was normally a no-nonsense type of guy.


Hinter dem raffiniert eingefdelten Komplott gegen McGarrett steckt sein Feind Wo Fat - und die chinesische Regierung. Wie sich herausstellt, haben die Chinesen eine Rakete fr einen Atombombenabwurf entwickelt, die sie nun erproben wollen, ohne dass der Westen dies mitbekommt. Dazu ist es ntig, dass die berwachungssysteme der USA fr 90 Sekunden abgeschaltet werden. Dies soll der Verantwortliche, Dr. Vogler, veranlassen, dessen Tochter gefangen gehalten wird.


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